

You are viewing events from the archive
20 Jun 2024

NERUPI Toolkit: Data Analysis Strategies – Session 2: Quantitative data analysis

Online (Teams)

Part 2 of Data Analysis Strategies will be on the contribution of quantitative approaches to access and participation intervention strategy evaluations, considering different datasets and types of data. It will explore data analysis methods required for answering different types of research questions.

05 Jun 2024

NERUPI Toolkit: Data Analysis Strategies – Session 1: Qualitative data analysis

Online (Teams)

The first part of Data Analysis Strategies considered the unique role of qualitative research within mixed-methods approaches to the evaluation of an intervention strategy. It provided opportunities for participants to practise performing analysis on qualitative data, following a 3-step process that included interpreting themes, and also gave tips for reporting qualitative research.

25 Apr 2024

NERUPI Toolkit: Data Collection Strategies – Session 2: Secondary sources

Online (Teams)

Part 2 of Data Collection Strategies explored the contribution of administrative datasets to evaluations of intervention strategies. It considered the challenges of using administrative data and the opportunities for gaining insights to inform access and participation activities.

11 Mar 2024

NERUPI and Your APP Submission

Friends House Euston, London NW1 2BJ

This free, in-person event for NERUPI members focused on evaluation for the APP. We heard reflections from the OfS on Wave 1 submissions and participants had the opportunity to develop their own action plans throughout the day

08 Feb 2024

NERUPI Toolkit: Data Collection Strategies – Part 1: Primary research

Online (Teams)

The first part of Data Collection Strategies will be an opportunity to review the data collection challenges in access and participation intervention strategy evaluations, share experiences, and explore tips for data collection strategies for high quality evaluations.

25 Jan 2024

How can higher education outreach in schools raise attainment?


In this session we heard from Professor Paul Ashwin from Lancaster University, who explored approaches to teaching and learning. We heard practice examples from NERUPI members and participated in a practical session to identify the elements of an effective intervention strategy for raising-attainment outreach.