

12 Sep 2024

NERUPI Convention 2024: Building Organisational Change for Equity and Widening Participation

Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

Members only

In recent years it has become clear that creation of a more inclusive and equitable environment within higher education requires significant organisational change. While our universities and HEIs have made great progress in this area, offering many benefits and opportunities to students, some significant inequalities remain. It is no longer sufficient to confine widening participation and equity to one-off initiatives or activities delivered by separate departments. A whole-organisational approach is needed before meaningful change can take place that will prepare an increasingly diverse student body for the globalised world of the 21st Century. The NERUPI Convention 2024 will give participants the opportunity to explore this issue in-depth as well as providing practical tools to generate and evaluate positive change. This event will run from 09.15 AM - 16.00 PM

01 Oct 2024

Culturally Sensitive Curricula Scales: Book Launch

ONLINE 2.00. - 3.30

This edited collection on Culturally Sensitive Curricula Scales was published as result of a NERUPI Collaborative Project. It outlines the conceptualization, development, and use of a novel set of Culturally Sensitive Curricula Scales (CSCS) as an instrument for students to rate the cultural sensitivity of their curriculum, as well as a self-reflection tool for educators to use in order to make curriculum changes. The book provides insights from the use of the tools collectively and individually in a range of higher education institutions across the UK, to inform curriculum revision nationally and internationally.

10 Apr 2025

Peer Evaluation Course


Members only

There is a call for greater rigour and transparency in evaluation for widening participation and equity initiatives but external scrutiny does not automatically translate into better practice. Peer Evaluation provides opportunities for external feedback and objectivity from colleagues with similar challenges and expertise. Supported by a carefully designed curriculum, resources and expert team, participation in the course benefits both individuals and organisations.