The Framework

The Framework is based on five main aims - Know, Choose, Become, Practise, Understand - and seven levels from Level 0 to Level 6. The levels correspond roughly to age groups with Level 0 generally suitable for children around the age of 11 or younger and Level 6 for those graduating from higher education. But the appropriate Level depends on the individual's previous experiences and backgrounds. Levels can be mixed in an activity to meet the needs of a specific group. The Aims span across all levels providing a cohesive, common foundation for planning and evaluating diverse interventions. This page provides an overview of the Framework by Aims or Levels. For a full, detailed description of the Framework, see NERUPI Framework Version 20 in the Resources section.

Select one of the five NERUPI aims

Select an item from the options above

Develop students' knowledge and awareness of the benefits of higher education and graduate employment

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Experience a positive introduction to Higher Education and a campus HEI

Understand how GCSE study relates to Higher Education and future career opportunities

Level 1

Explore academic, social, economic and personal benefits of progressing to Higher Education

Level 2

Investigate course and placement options, and social and leisure opportunities in Higher Education

Level 3

Increase awareness of study options, social and leisure facilities, and career opportunities for students

Level 4

Receive comprehensive information about personal development and progression opportunities for graduates in their subject area

Level 5

Access information about postgraduate study and employment opportunities that align with their personal interests and career aspirations

Level 6

Develop students' capacity to navigate Higher Education sector and graduate employment sectors and make informed choices

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Identify link between Higher Education and careers

Choose GCSE subject choices that correspond with personal and career interests

Level 1

Explore differences between Higher Education Institutions and study opportunities with subject areas

Level 2

Evaluate course, student finance and graduate opportunities and make informed choices that align with personal interests and career aspirations

Level 3

Investigate opportunities available to students and make informed choices that align with personal interests and career aspirations

Level 4

Access and utilise appropriate opportunities and provision in order to orientate themselves towards and realise personal goals

Level 5

Identify and utilise opportunities and make informed choices that align with personal interests and career aspirations

Level 6

Develop students' confidence and resilience to negotiate the challenges of university life and graduate progression

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Imagine themselves as a future university student

Explore how personal circumstances, interests and characteristics influence academic and employment aspirations

Level 1

Increase confidence in their capacity to progress onto Higher Education

Level 2

Anticipate challenges they will face in Higher Education and make a successful transition to university

Level 3

Embrace the challenge of Higher education and make a successful transition to university

Level 4

Maximise the benefits of university life and successfully progress to graduate employment

Level 5

Embrace the challenge and develop a personal strategy for postgraduate progression

Level 6

Develop students' study skills and capacity for academic attainment and successful graduate progression

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Discover some of the skills that students require at university

Identify skills and capacities they will need to develop to achieve future aspirations

Level 1

Develop study skills through educational projects which encourage active learning

Level 2

Enhance academic skills that develop capacity for critical thinking, independent research and self-directed learning

Level 3

Identify and develop skills and capacities needed to achieve academic success

Level 4

Consolidate study skills and capacity for academic and graduate success

Level 5

Identify and develop skills and capacities needed for postgraduate study or graduate employment

Level 6

Develop students' understanding by contextualising subject knowledge and supporting attainment raising

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

a) Broaden their understanding through positive learning experiences

b) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions

a) Consider how GCSE subject knowledge can be applied and developed in post-16 educational and employment contexts

b) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions

Level 1

a) Broaden understanding of subject knowledge and its wider applications
b) Link GCSE subject knowledge to university subject areas
c) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions

Level 2

a) Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts
b) Situate existing knowledge and interests within the context of university degree programmes and academic disciplines
c) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions

Level 3

a) Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts
b) Situate existing knowledge and interests within the context of university course and subject area
c) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions

Level 4

Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts

Situate existing knowledge and interests within the context of postgraduate study or employment settings

Level 5

Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts

Level 6

Select one of the NERUPI levels

Select an item from the options above

Level 1

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Understand how GCSE study relates to Higher Education and future career opportunities


Choose GCSE subject choices that correspond with personal and career interests


Explore how personal circumstances, interests and characteristics influence academic and employment aspirations


Identify skills and capacities they will need to develop to achieve future aspirations


a) Consider how GCSE subject knowledge can be applied and developed in post-16 educational and employment contexts

b) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions


Level 2 

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Explore academic, social, economic and personal benefits of progressing to Higher Education


Explore differences between Higher Education Institutions and study opportunities with subject areas


Increase confidence in their capacity to progress onto Higher Education


Develop study skills through educational projects which encourage active learning


a) Broaden understanding of subject knowledge and its wider applications
b) Link GCSE subject knowledge to university subject areas
c) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions


Level 3 

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Investigate course and placement options, and social and leisure opportunities in Higher Education


Evaluate course, student finance and graduate opportunities and make informed choices that align with personal interests and career aspirations


Anticipate challenges they will face in Higher Education and make a successful transition to university


Enhance academic skills that develop capacity for critical thinking, independent research and self-directed learning


a) Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts
b) Situate existing knowledge and interests within the context of university degree programmes and academic disciplines
c) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions


Level 4 

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Increase awareness of study options, social and leisure facilities, and career opportunities for students


Investigate opportunities available to students and make informed choices that align with personal interests and career aspirations


Embrace the challenge of Higher education and make a successful transition to university


Identify and develop skills and capacities needed to achieve academic success


a) Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts
b) Situate existing knowledge and interests within the context of university course and subject area
c) Access and experience appropriate attainment-raising interventions


Level 5

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Receive comprehensive information about personal development and progression opportunities for graduates in their subject area


Access and utilise appropriate opportunities and provision in order to orientate themselves towards and realise personal goals


Maximise the benefits of university life and successfully progress to graduate employment


Consolidate study skills and capacity for academic and graduate success


Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts

Situate existing knowledge and interests within the context of postgraduate study or employment settings


Level 6

Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to:

Access information about postgraduate study and employment opportunities that align with their personal interests and career aspirations


Identify and utilise opportunities and make informed choices that align with personal interests and career aspirations


Embrace the challenge and develop a personal strategy for postgraduate progression


Identify and develop skills and capacities needed for postgraduate study or graduate employment


Situate existing knowledge within wider fields of knowledge and apply to other contexts


Objectives by 'Level' enabling students to: