
Experiences of Outreach During the Pandemic: NERUPI Uni Connect Collaborative Project

Date: 25th January 2022

Location: Online (Microsoft Teams), 10am start

COVID-19 has resulted in considerable disruption to education and has impacted on young peoples’ thoughts about their future. Planned delivery and evaluation of Uni Connect outreach activities was not possible and alternative strategies were developed including a shift to remote delivery.

The NERUPI Uni Connect working group undertook a collaborative research project across four Uni Connect partnership areas to gain an understanding of the effect of Covid-19 on pre and post 16 target groups’ attitudes to the future, their perspectives on higher education and the factors which might affect their progression into education.

Focus groups with Year 10 and Year 12 students were carried out by Uni Connect partners. The data was analysed by Joanne Moore who will describe the research and present the findings. Working in small groups participants will then have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to the draft recommendations and how they could inform next steps for outreach and its evaluation and what Uni Connect partnerships and higher education providers might do now to support the target groups.

Download the programme here