
Disrupting the Discourse: A Blueprint for Student Voice Empowerment in Higher Education

Date: 16th October 2024

Location: Online 10.30 - 12.00 A Student Voice Working Group Presentation

Please note this event is for Members only

This session is focussed on a case study from Kevin J Brazant. the Progression and Attainment Project Manager at the London College of Communication (LCC) at the University of the Arts London, (UAL). It examines a research project that applied Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality within curriculum development. The initiative created a dialogic space for critically reflecting on learning and teaching practices. Through interviews and focus groups with academics and student partners, the project captured diverse perspectives, which were then curated into a podcast playlist presenting a conceptual framework for delving deeper into themes of race and racism within pedagogical contexts.

The approach will be of value for all those in higher education aiming to foreground student voice including:

  • Learning developers and academic mentors.
  • Academic/ educational developers.
  • Students as Partner Coordinators (e.g. peer mentors/ change makers/ Student Curriculum partners).
  • EDI managers and coordinators responsible for fostering student learning communities.
  • Associate professors/ professors in learning and teaching.
  • Employability and careers teams

About Kevin J Brazant MALTHE, JNC, SFHEA, UTF CeLP

Kevin J Brazant is the Progression and Attainment Project Manager at the London College of Communication (LCC) at the University of the Arts London, (UAL). His work involves collaborating with schools to address the degree awarding gap at the college level. He is a senior fellow with Advance HE and a certified leading practitioner in learning development. He is a researcher in disruptive pedagogies and practices ‘facilitating learning from the margins’, which foregrounds co-creation in enabling marginalised student voices through decolonising, anti-racism and social justice efforts as part of teaching and learning. He also founded ‘Disrupting the Discourse’ a dialogic approach to enabling the student voice to be heard using storytelling, podcasting and digital content as part of a media-based pedagogy

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