
Geographies of Widening Participation and Collaborative Outreach

Date: 05th April 2019


Please note this event is for Members only

Members can find out more about the work of Dr Michael Donnelly, University of Bath, which sheds new light on the geographical limits to social mobility, through the lens of young people’s university choices. Michael is currently leading an ESRC-funded research project entitled Geographies of Higher Education: Spatial and Social (Im)Mobilities which is investigating:

  • what social, cultural, or economic importance particular localities hold for different groups
  • how these patterns are implicated in social mobility
  • the role place has on the choices of young people who are socially and educationally similar but located in geographically diverse areas
  • ways in which economically, socially, culturally or politically distinct places act as pull or push factors for different social groups

This approach is particularly relevant to outreach colleagues and those working in collaborative partnerships including NCOP consortia. We will hear from two NCOP NERUPI members - Higher York and WIN - about their use of the Framework and plans for NCOP Phase 2. We will also hear from CFE Research, the lead team working on a 4-year impact evaluation of the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP).

Event Programme

Download the programme here


Regional structures of feeling? A spatially and socially differentiated analysis of UK student im/mobility - Michael Donnelly and Sol Gamsu (2018)